Annie Winstone

Shamrock for me offered a service – Their service was that they restored my faith in the future of humanity.
If it sounds like a tall order for a small school then it really isn’t. You need to meet the Shamrock kids who wake up at 6am to clean their bedrooms and cook breakfast before they have even started their schoolwork, you have to meet the kids who will give you the warmest welcome and have the ability to make you laugh until your ribs hurt, those same kids work incredibly hard to get the best education that they can get, oh and you will fall in love with each and every one of them.
From the first day when I was shown around by Susmita I just wanted to spend all my time in Shamrock, and I pretty much did. I was fortunate enough to help with some of the art classes and then to help with the school fundraisers by making crafts to sell, which mainly involved the children making amazing rainbow candles while I burnt my fingers on candle wax, they were pretty much helping me by the end because that’s what they do.
You end up being cared for like one of the Shamrock family, which if you are ever fortunate enough to experience you will know how brilliant everyone at Shamrock is!
WARNING: You will cry like a baby when you leave Shamrock and instantly want to return. – Annie Winstone