On Thursday the 16th of May, Mrs. Pat and Mr. Brendan Cradden visited our school. They are the parents of the founder of our school, Mr. Duncan Cradden. We were very excited to meet them! They were very interested to learn about how Shamrock School is run on a day to day basis.
Our principal, Mrs. Shova Gurung introduced them to us. New students were very interested to learn about Shamrock’s history. Mrs. Pat Cradden told us about how Mr. Duncan had established Shamrock School in 2006 which was very interesting. She told us Duncan wanted to do something in Nepal, thus, he established Shamrock so that Nepalese children could receive a good education and go on to do great things for themselves and Nepali society.
Shamrock students are very pleased and thankful to Mr. Duncan for allowing us the opportunity to attain a good quality education. We will remember his generosity for the rest of our lives!