2019 New covered scullery construction

Did you know the old English word ‘scullery’? (a place to wash kitchen utensils etc.)  Thanks to Mary Palmer, Greg McKay and their supporters from Spain and Australia we now have the perfect hygienic area to wash kitchen plates, pans and cutlery. The clever design from Micahel Newton ( based on his Army experience) allows the pupils’ duty teams to clear away crockery and separate all recyclable waste and food. The plastic is sold for recycling the food is exchanged with a local farmer who uses it to feed his animals.

Mary also sent 600 Euro of her own to pay for the roof of the washing area unit.


Your donations also afforded an aluminium divide between the kitchen and the dining room/class six area, a fourteen-foot deep soak pit and the refurbishment of a ten-year-old septic tank