Educational drama by Class 8

Educational drama is a show that is connected with education which gives us a chance to learn new things. It helps us to understand different aspects regarding education easily and deal with any problem. Furthermore, we learn different social related concerns ongoing on our school environment.  The educational drama helps to elaborate both negative and positive situations of the school environment.

In order to provide knowledge about civics and moral education, we class 8, 12th batch of shamrock school had presented a short play on the topic ‘ Development of good characters’ on 18th June, 2019. Our main aim was to aware students about bullies, gender discrimination and the discrimination on the basis of intellectual capacity, race and economic background of the students. Our whole class of 14 students were involved in the play. Every one of us were equally responsible in the play and we divided different roles among ourselves like narrator, teacher, villagers, principal, students, parents and sister. We got the concept about the play from our civics and moral teacher, Miss. Soyana . We really were excited to present the play in front of whole school to share about what we learnt on our lessons. We felt very lucky to be a part of shamrock students as  we get an opportunity to learn so many things practically to enhance our skills and confidence.

 After presenting the drama we really were curious about the feedback from other members at shamrock. Everyone cheered and praised our effort to share some good moral values to the students. We learnt so many things from this play that are essential in our life like team work and cooperation, how to speak in-front of the mass. Most importantly, we learnt the good values of life like the impact of bullies on others, respecting each other, stopping discrimination and encouraging others.

By class 8 students group