It only takes an encounter at the right time and the right place to change totally a life… it has been my case for me & Shamrock School.
Painting games and a Sarasvati Goddess mural in the backyard of that school, where there was nothing, has been a true happiness for me.
Not only by the realization of these projects but by the fact that I could transmit something to these children by doing my art in front of them.
Looking at them wondering, questioning, discovering the process of creativity, transmitting new values and skills to them, and then looking at them creating by themselves, learning the process of colors… to read curiosity and amazement on their faces, their smiles when they practiced painting for the first time… experimenting this new feeling… I was immediately adopted in the big Shamrock Family.
What I wish more than anything is that every child can express themselves, can grow and build themselves, could think about the logic behind every project and how to reach a goal… that every child could wonder and be amazed, could trust themselves and believe in their dreams… this is why I keep thinking that art is necessary in every child’s education. – Nanou André