Trip to wild poultry farm by Preeti and Salina Class 10

On August 9, we the  geography students went to poultry farm with our  teacher. The farm is located in Pokhara municipality -27,on the foothills of Lekhnath city. Tha name of the farm is Lekhnath Hatchery and Integrated farming pvtltd Different breed of chickens such as Pokhreli local , Forest king, Featherless chicken etc were farmed there. Rajendra Adhikari is the owner of the farm and he is also a medical specialist.

This farm is also known as research center and breeding farm There are total 31 employees work in this farm. There are altogether 2000 hens and 12000 chickens in the farm. The farm also sells eggs at RS 500 per crate of 30 pieces. Cross breed chickens are produced and sold for meat. According to the owner, Luichey  and Forest king rooster tastes good.

Forest king rooster weighs between 7 to 14 kg.The chickens are vaccinated  so there is less chance of suffering from diseases.The farm also does research on goat, turkey, rabbit and bee. According to Adhikari,t he animals with no vaccination weighs less and are weak. One hen lays 24 eggs per month. Luichey cross lays 340 egss per year.The stools of hens are used as a manure and are used in agricultural field. He is also engaged in seasonal farming such as lemons and cabbage . Lekhnath Hatchery farm has 17 years old cock named Thute which is currently kept at Tanahu Hatchery farm .Thute has 15 years old son and 5 years old grandson whose name is Laalu.

Sometimes due to outbreak of disease such birdflu, the business gets paralyzed and they go in loss. The main aim of the farm is to supply healthy meat and eggs to customers.

Preeti and Salina (class 10)